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Brilliant Start Buggy Driver Blue Apps

Oct 16, 2018  Microsoft has released a fix for an HP driver that was causing blue screen of death (BSOD) on some HP machines running Windows 10 versions 1803 and 1809. Microsoft said it pulled the buggy. CRITICAL_STRUCTURE_CORRUPTION BSOD. More often memory corruption happens because of software errors in buggy drivers, not because of faulty RAM modules. And files/drivers/Apps. Microsoft has released a fix for an HP driver that was causing blue screen of death (BSOD) on some HP machines running Windows 10 versions 1803 and 1809. Microsoft said it pulled the buggy.

  1. Brilliant Start Buggy Driver Blue Apps 2017
  2. Tamiya Holiday Buggy Driver Figure
Active10 days ago

I recently upgraded to windows 10, most things seemd to work fine, aside from a few issues here and there which was easily resolved. Thou i had to reinstall the Nvivida Driver for the graphic card. (it was trying to run from the integrated motherbord graphic).

However i've suddenly been plagued with BSOD errors, both in page_..and Memory management error, did a Windows memory diagonstics tool scan which showed hardware error, but gave no future explaination than that.

Is it possible that windows 10 is causeing the BSOD, were i just that unlucky and one of the RAm peices broke during the installation of windows 10 ?Any suggestion/tips is appreciated.

Whocrashed now gives crashlog

Download video ultraman ginga final battle. Setting up a memtest86+ (thanks for the tip)

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Also the info from Bluescreen view gives this info.

Adding a secound mini dump.

Brilliant Start Buggy Driver Blue Apps 2017

I must thank you all again for your assistance and time.

Will add the kernel dump, the next time it crashes (switched it from making a mini dump to a kernel dump).

Joakim D
Joakim DJoakim D

1 Answer

I had the same BSOD and the (booted in UEFI mode) revealed that the RAM is broken around gigabyte nr. 4.

After removing the first 8gb module, it detects no more problems.

Tamiya Holiday Buggy Driver Figure

I had been running Windows 8.1 and a memtest86 a month ago without any problems, so I hope its not Windows 10 that caused the RAM to break.


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