Fifa Manager Game App Java
I actually worked on one of the FIFA manager games for mobile. Before we started programming the game one of the producers and one of the designers actually wrote the whole thing in Excel. We then just ported what they'd written into a Java game engine and added some graphics. Free download of FIFA Manager 2010 game for java 320x240 devices. Easily download FIFA Manager 2010 jar game fast. Rate this app: 1268 downloads: download FIFA Manager 2010 free, download FIFA Manager 2010 for free, FIFA Manager 2010. Free mobile game FIFA Manager 2010, FIFA Manager 2010 jar file Description.
I am bringing a real life management, tycoon / sim game to the drawing board and would like to start with the user interfaces like Football Manager / Airport Tycoon.
I also want to do an eye candy type top down city view as in SimCity / Cities in Motion.
Lastly a 3D interaction with potential AI customers as well as an open auction house where you bid against AI and Human Competitors.
I know a bit of Java, very familiar with Unix,HTML,PHP and the fundamentals of Unity 3D.
If anyone could help point me in the right direct on what game engine could be used if any?
Many Thanks in advance
Ross Taylor-Turnerclosed as too broad by Lukazoid, j08691, legoscia, tereško, AlmoNov 20 '14 at 17:21
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1 Answer
It seems you're asking in quite general terms about game engines.
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In answer to your original question, Football Manager, EA Sports Fifa Manager, Sim City, Cities in Motion all (I believe) use a custom game/graphics engine as compared to an off-the-shelf/middleware solution such as Unity or Unreal engine.
You've mentioned you're familiar with the fundamentals of Unity 3D, I'd recommend you focus your attention there as this is a popular game engine for developing games and I believe it has everything you'll need to get started in game programming and development.
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